Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Not enough time

So the hubby made a comment last night that really kind of irked me. I said I needed to take a shower. His response was "you need to take a shower? You had all day to do that." Yeah, I had lots of time to shower while he was at work in between diaper changes, feedings, toddler meltdowns, laundry, dishes, and making 3 meals, one of which he enjoyed.  I really hope for his sake he was joking.  The sad part about this is that I still have 2 more loads of laundry to do today and the dishwasher is full of clean dishes that need to be put away and the counter is littered with more to do. It never ends. I'm currently stuck on the twin bed in the baby's room with a little people house pressed against me while my toddler presses all the buttons and makes it keep playing music.  So, laundry and dishes will have to wait for a little while.  I did get to shower last night, but my toddler ended up in the shower with me because he can't handle giving her a bath while keeping an ear out for the baby, who slept the entire time we were in the shower. I really want to leave one day and see how he handles the two of them. He may surprise me but I would bet I would get a call or a text within an hour, if not sooner asking when I'm coming home.

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