After spending 3 hours at the WIC office this morning, I wanted nothing more than to come home, eat lunch, put the girls down for a nap, and relax. Yeah, I know, what was I thinking? For the most part, I was able to do that, except the relax part. After cleaning up the baby’s room, (because she won’t go to sleep without me in there, teething is nasty business...) I remembered that there was a load of towels that I threw in the washer and never started, so I went down to start it and get the load of clothes out of the dryer. When I came back upstairs, I heard my toddler talking in her room. This is not unusual behavior during nap time because she doesn’t want to admit she is tired sometimes. So, I poked my head in there to tell her to settle down and got hit with the horrible poo smell. She hadn’t gone in 3 days so at first, I was happy. Then, I walked over to her crib. Her little fingers were smeared with poo and so was her bed. Somehow she managed to only get a tiny smudge on her white shirt, though... yes, I’m digging at straws to find something good in all this mess. I stripped her down, threw her in the shower, washed her hands 4 times, scrubbed the rest of her body, then filled up the tub so she could play in the water and not wake her baby sister up while I tried to clean up her mess. Well, baby sister woke up while I was elbow deep in poo anyway. I washed my hands real quick and she is now watching “Coco” because “Moana” wasn’t consoling her for like the fort time ever...
I guess my “me” time for today is me writing this blog post and venting. Hubby wants dinner ready when he gets home...
The moral of the story is, turn the baby monitor on... Always...
Friday, August 17, 2018
Monday, August 6, 2018
Toddler busy time
Last night when hubby started making dinner, I had a plan. The toddler was content coloring and I was going to feed the baby so that I could actually eat my dinner hot without having to stop a dozen times for once. Then, I heard my hubby say “why is there so much water on the floor?” So, he starts pulling everything out of the cupboard and all over my kitchen floor. Meanwhile, I’m navigating the mine field he’s making to flip the bacon that he’s already put on the griddle. Turns out, it was the garbage disposal leaking and he had to make a trip to Lowe’s to replace it just then. So, I was left to make dinner and deal with the children on the one day I am supposed to have a bit of a break. Two minutes after he left, the baby started screaming, so I had to put her in her wrap and continued making dinner. Then, the toddler realizes that I’m making breakfast for dinner and she keeps saying “eat, eat” and fussing when I say she has to wait for daddy. So, I decided to try something. I had gotten some pipe cleaners and pony beads when I was at Michaels earlier in the day and they were still sitting on the kitchen counter. I opened both packages and put a few beads in a Tupperware and gave her that and a pipe cleaner. I put one bead on the pipe cleaner to show her what to do and she got excited and started putting them on herself. This kept her occupied for the next 15 minutes so I could finish making dinner. A word of warning, though, make sure you keep an eye on your child so that none of the beads end up in their mouth, or nose, or ears. Also, be prepared to pick beads up off the floor. It's inevitable. I kept hearing the ping, ping, ping the whole time I was cooking. Although, there was another fun activity for her when she was done to go on a scavenger hunt to pick them all up after.
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chicken taco quesadillas
So, we have a weekly "Taco Tuesday" in our house. Pretty much it means that we have some sort of Mexican dish every Tuesday. Usu...
So, the other night I was making macaroni and cheese for the 2 year old and trying to figure out f it was worth it to try and make her some ...