Sunday, February 25, 2018

Raining inside and out

After a week of absolutely beautiful week, it is pouring out today.  It matches my mood rather well.  My dad left this morning after being here all week to meet his new granddaughter and spend time with her older sister and I go back to work tomorrow.  The realization that I go back to work tomorrow is harder than my dad leaving. I have spent the last 8 exhausting, chaotic, wonderfully amazing weeks with these two tiny humans and today is the end of it.  

It's funny. I always swore that I never wanted to be a stay at home mommy.  I always figured that I would get bored being home all the time, but after being home these past two months, I feel like I've accomplished less than what I did when I was working full time.  Even on the most infuriating day with my toddler, I still loved every minute of it.  If our financial situation was different, tomorrow would be just another day, but sadly, we have too many bills to pay.  

As I sit here eating lunch with my toddler and writing this, I realize how many things I really should get done today, but all I want to do is spend time with my little family.  The dishes and laundry will still be there tomorrow.  The piles of stuff on the counter can wait.  My girls will only be this little for so long.  I'm going to enjoy today.

So as the raindrops fall outside, I wipe my tears away.  I go back to work tomorrow, so I need to enjoy today.

Monday, February 19, 2018

And all the socks matched...

For the first time in probably 2 years I managed to put the baskets back in the laundry room without any socks missing their mate. I have no idea how that happened.  I'm amazed. With 4 different sized socks and 4 loads of laundry somehow none got lost in the playroom or under a bed/crib. None became dog toys or got lost in transit. I am just shocked. Next time I'll have a whole bunch of them that don't match next time but for now, the sock gnomes have no socks...

Monday, February 5, 2018

Stranger Danger

So my toddler loves everyone. I mean everyone. I keep being told that this is a good thing, but it absolutely terrifies me.

When I was pregnant with her sister, she would go into the office saying hi, waving, and giving hugs to everyone.   She even once walked up to an associate at babies r us and hugged her. What made it worse is that the associate dared to pick her up without even asking. Not cool. The doctors office was one thing since it was towards the end of my pregnancy and we had been there many times, but a stranger in a store? Not good.

I'm terrified that she's going to get away from me one day and get snatched up by someone she thinks is safe. It's not that she gets away from me out in public often, but all it takes is one time. She's quick and it's easy to get distracted when you also have a baby to take care of. For the most part she rides in the buggy when we are in a store but sometimes she just pitches a tantrum and as much as you want to walk out of the store until she's over it, it's a lot of work getting 2 kids in and out of the car to run necessary errands.

I hope that I can get her to understand the concept of stranger danger soon.  I understand that it's a good thing for her not to be shy, but she needs to at least be a little shy for her own safety.  Not everyone is a friend.

chicken taco quesadillas

So, we have a weekly "Taco Tuesday" in our house.  Pretty much it means that we have some sort of Mexican dish every Tuesday.  Usu...